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Caleb Elledge, CCM, PGA
Founder and Partner

With over twenty years of private club and resort experience, Caleb's propensity and passion for people engagement, combined with his love of the hospitality industry and service to others, led him to establish Tandem Club Partners. His unique ability to listen, coach and collaborate, with a focus on quantitative data and objective observations served him well in his career, serving many members, guests and employees at large resorts, large clubs and small clubs, most recently as the GM/COO of Seabrook Island Club for over thirteen years.


"I found a few years ago that there is a huge void in the industry; the professional partner that could be there to provide advice and 'professional therapy', while being an independent third-party to provide input to my team, my board and to me. I always had a club manager colleague I could call, but they couldn't come in and talk to my board or survey my staff. And I surely wouldn't want them to audit my operation and tell me everything I was doing wrong!", he laughs, "However, I think there's a need for that partner to help talk sense into me, talk sense into my board, and help me if I begin to lose focus. This is why I founded Tandem Club Partners. Club managers need fact-based coaching, advocacy and guidance now more than ever." 


Caleb takes tremendous pride in his variety of hospitality experience as well. "It's not that difficult to succeed with a large budget and dozens of highly-qualified managers. Big names on the resume are great, but the GM's of smaller clubs managing their  business to ensure their employees' paychecks clear when cashed...those are the heroes in the industry. Those are the ones truly making magic happen day in and day out. This is why we have a different pricing structure for small clubs. They need data and advocacy just as much as large budget clubs, but they can't afford $10,000 strategic planning sessions."


In this ever-evolving industry, Caleb's mission to listen, learn and spread the word to help better the lives of others who have chosen this unique profession, drive him to truly serve his clients and ensure their success, happiness and contentment.


He's also particularly proud he passed the PGA of America's Playing Ability Test at the age of 41.

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